Shared Secret, Mac OS and Cisco VPN Server. jdana asked on 2009-11-02. Mac OS X; 2 Comments. 1 Solution. Medium Priority. 2,433 Views. Last Modified: 2013-11-08. A client of mine insists that he has a VPN client for his Mac OS (Snow Leopard) that interfaces with a Cisco VPN Server. Is there such a client?
Many people have discussed configuring the OS X built-in VPN client to connect to Cisco VPNs in place of the AnyConnect client. However, all discussion focuses on copying critical config information (shared secret or certificate, in particular) from a PCF or Profile.xml file included in a site-specific AnyConnect installer. Setting Up The VPN Service In OS X Server To setup the VPN service, open the Server app and click on VPN in the Server app sidebar. The VPN Settings screen has two options available in the "Configure VPN for" field, which has two options: L2TP requires a shared secret or an SSL certificate. In this example, we'll configure a shared Step:6 Enter your server access password in the Password field and your Shared Secret in small letters as earthvpn then click OK. Step:7 Check Show VPN status in menu bar, click Advanced and check Send all traffic over VPN connectionthen hit OK. Step:8 Click Connect and then Apply. Your Mac should now be connecting to our L2TP server. The instructions below demonstrate how to connect to the VPN service using native functionality for Mac OSX. However, due to security concerns and the need to reconfigure your connection in the future, OIT does not recommend using this ability, but rather recommends users connect using the Cisco AnyConnect client. Mac OS X Server, Xserve, and Networking and the group name-- the problem I'm having is the shared secret or certificate. The issue here is that the documented VPN support is through two Cisco VPN clients, AnyConnect and VPNClient, neither of which I care to run, especially given the built in VPN support for SL. unknown shared secret VPN On the next page that appears select VPN shared credentials. A window containing the information should now pop up on your desktop. Make a note of the IPSec secret as you will need this information later on (it will be referred to as the shared secret) and then close the window using the close window link.
If you are simply looking to enable VPN service on your OS X Server for secure connection(s) between your server and client(s), you can skip PART II. Enter your Shared Secret as desired: Now press "Edit…" next to DNS Settings. Choose "VPN", make sure you are using "L2TP over IPSec", and give your service a name:
VPN Setup: Machine Authentication? | Apple iOS OS Help Feb 08, 2013
Step:6 Enter your server access password in the Password field and your Shared Secret in small letters as earthvpn then click OK. Step:7 Check Show VPN status in menu bar, click Advanced and check Send all traffic over VPN connectionthen hit OK. Step:8 Click Connect and then Apply. Your Mac should now be connecting to our L2TP server.
Turn VPN service on or off. Set a VPN shared secret. Edit the IP address range for VPN users. Export a VPN client configuration file for automating VPN setup of Mac OS X clients. The Server app also automatically adds the client information to Profile Manager. OS X 10.6 and above has a built in Cisco IPSEC VPN Client that can be used to connect to the Georgia Tech VPN rather than using the Cisco IPSEC or AnyConnect clients. See the step by step instructions below: 1. Open System Preferences and click on "Network". 2. Click on the "+" sign in the lower left to add a new service. 3. Click the '+' icon (hilighted in red) to make a new connection for the VPN. Set the Interface to 'VPN' and set the Connection Type and Name. When you click the '+' icon, a new service sheet appears. Click on the 'Interface' popup menu to see the list of choices. In the list, select 'VPN'. Mac OS X VPN Setup L2TP. 1 .Open System Preferences. 2. Click Network. 3. Add a new Service. 4. Press VPN. 5. Select type of VPN and enter Service name. 6. Enter your VPN username/password and press Authentication Settings. 7. Enter your Password and IPSec pre-shared secret key. 8. Show VPN Status and press Advanced. 9. Check "Send all traffic